
Worlds of Education

Reflect. Mobilise. Take action.

Education transforms the world. Education is our world, as rich and diverse as the voices speaking out on the pages of Worlds of Education.

Worlds of Education is a platform for teachers, unionists, activists, and academics to share their insights into the issues affecting the education workforce and community around the world. The aim is to encourage a global conversation, to reflect, mobilise, and take action for education everywhere.

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  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 February 2020

    “Calling Educators to Action on Climate Crisis”, by Gustavo E. Fischman, Daniel Fischer, Iveta Silova and Jordan King.

    Daniel Fischer, Jordan King, Gustavo E. Fischman, Iveta Silova

    Across the globe, youth are acting with urgency and passion to challenge the inadequate response of global leaders to the climate crisis, aiming to propel action toward sustainability and justice. Thousands of young students on all continents are participating in school strikes and mobilizing for other related actions to call...

    “Calling Educators to Action on Climate Crisis”, by Gustavo E. Fischman, Daniel Fischer, Iveta Silova and Jordan King.
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 February 2020

    “PISA, well-being, and teacher unions”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    Many of the headlines when the OECD releases its PISA reports focus on country rankings. While we have consistently critiqued the league table approach there is much in these reports that is useful to educators and their unions.

    “PISA, well-being, and teacher unions”, by David Edwards.
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 31 January 2020

    Privatisation of education in Morocco - A multi-speed education system and a polarised society

    By Khadija Abdous This blog summarises some of the main findings from the recently published research report: Privatisation of Education in Morocco - A Multi-speed Education System and A Polarized Society , which outlines the current trends and manifestations of education privatisation in Morocco. It is also an opportunity to...

    Privatisation of education in Morocco - A multi-speed education system and a polarised society
  4. Union growth 28 January 2020

    "A teacher like me” – meeting with German teachers, crossing emotional bridges, sharing positive professional experiences on Holocaust education, by Talia Kranz.

    Talia Kranz

    What is more timely for us, Israeli teachers, than talking with our German colleagues about the fight against racism and anti-Semitism? It's already been happening for the 29th time! For the past 50 years, a bi-national seminar has been held once every two years attended by Israeli and German educators...

    "A teacher like me” – meeting with German teachers, crossing emotional bridges, sharing positive professional experiences on Holocaust education, by Talia Kranz.
  5. Equity and inclusion 28 January 2020

    “Susi”- a graphic novel about a Jewish girl in disguise - and how to work with the book in primary schools, by Silvia Stieneker (GEW, Germany).

    Silvia Stieneker

    I am a primary school teacher in Berlin. In the summer of 2019, I participated in a German-Israeli union seminar for teachers in Tel Aviv that was organized by the German union “Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW)” and the Israeli teachers union “Histadrut ha Morim”. In this seminar, we discussed...

    “Susi”- a graphic novel about a Jewish girl in disguise - and how to work with the book in primary schools, by Silvia Stieneker (GEW, Germany).
  6. Union growth 27 January 2020

    “The forgotten voices of the Holocaust”, by Yossi Michal.

    Yossi Michal

    The International Remembrance Day of the Holocaust is commemorated on January 27th. It is a good opportunity to reflect on a unique aspect of Learning about that period. I'll start with a short story. My family has lived for many generations in Romania. A few years ago, before my grandmother...

    “The forgotten voices of the Holocaust”, by Yossi Michal.
  7. Climate action and literacy 24 January 2020

    “Learning for people, planet, prosperity and peace”, by Susan Hopgood.

    Susan Hopgood

    What is more exciting than helping a child discover the joy of learning and begin a life of exploration. What could be more important to the future than helping to understand and embrace the values that anchor decent, fair and democratic societies and that develop a resistance to hatred, bigotry,...

    “Learning for people, planet, prosperity and peace”, by Susan Hopgood.
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 January 2020

    #youngteachers “An enthusiastic young Czech teacher and trade unionist!”, by David Navrátil (ČMOS-PS, Czech Republic).

    David Navrátil

    My name is David Navrátil and I´m a teacher of English, Geography and German language from a small town in the Czech republic. I decided to be a teacher when I was studying at high school. My favourite subjects were foreign languages, P.E. and Geography, and the only way to...

    #youngteachers “An enthusiastic young Czech teacher and trade unionist!”, by David Navrátil (ČMOS-PS, Czech Republic).
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 17 January 2020

    Educators reject the Education Outcomes Fund

    By David Edwards, General Secretary - Education International  The Education Outcomes Fund (EOF) is set to launch its first operations in just a few months' time. As the preparations ensue, Education International, the voice of over 32 million teachers and educators from across the globe, wants to make it clear...

    Educators reject the Education Outcomes Fund
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 December 2019

    "On life and the market", by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    From an early age, we try to fit children into the world. Instead, perhaps, we should reflect on how the world should fit children.

    "On life and the market", by David Edwards.
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 20 December 2019

    Public Private Partnerships in Liberia have failed! The Education Minister must act now to save the Liberian Education system

    By Mary Mulbah and Samuel Y. Johnson  In this blog responding to the recent release of RCT results on Liberia’s PPP experiment, the President and General Secretary of the National Teachers Association of Liberia (NTAL) reaffirm teachers’ rejection of the Liberian Education Advancement Programme and urge the government to focus...

    Public Private Partnerships in Liberia have failed! The Education Minister must act now to save the Liberian Education system
  12. Equity and inclusion 16 December 2019

    “Global Refugee Forum: time for immediate and sustainable action”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    The refugee Convention of 1951 was born out of the profound feeling of shame following the Second World War due to the failure to respond to and receive those fleeing the Holocaust. That action of inaction condemned many to become its victims. Lest we forget, that Convention and the 1967...

    “Global Refugee Forum: time for immediate and sustainable action”, by David Edwards.
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 16 December 2019

    An attempt at the first ‘Davos of Education’: Dissonances in the OECD-Forum for World Education on The Future of Education

    By Camilla Addey and Antoni Verger, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain This year’s PISA 2018 data launch on 3rd December 2019 was no normal launch. Angel Gurría, the Secretary General of the OECD, released the league tables, focusing his analysis on top performers (which included, as is becoming usual, a...

    An attempt at the first ‘Davos of Education’: Dissonances in the OECD-Forum for World Education on The Future of Education
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 December 2019

    "Inclusive Schools as a Political and Social Rights Space", by Gabriela Sancho Mena.

    Gabriela Sancho Mena

    An inclusive public school must be a space where everyone has a place. It is a right that must help strengthen all skills and abilities and encompass all the diversities in our society. It must also be a place of opportunity, reflection, debate, participatory action, invention, questions, research; a secular,...

    "Inclusive Schools as a Political and Social Rights Space", by Gabriela Sancho Mena.
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 9 December 2019

    “Philippines: On Persecuting Teachers and Weaponizing Education”, by Raymond D. Basilio.

    Raymond D. Basilio

    Teachers and education in the Philippines are under siege. The Duterte government’s worsening attacks on all forms of dissent, disguised as a ‘whole-of-nation approach’ purportedly to end local communist insurgency, is taking its toll on the sector that is universally mandated to espouse and uphold social justice, human rights and...

    “Philippines: On Persecuting Teachers and Weaponizing Education”, by Raymond D. Basilio.
  16. Equity and inclusion 6 December 2019

    #RatifyC190 “Strong will”, by Destaye Tadesse.

    Destaye Tadesse

    On 25 November – the International Day for the Elimination of Gender-based Violence - we called on governments to immediately ratify ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work. The Convention is the result of 10 years of mobilisation and activism by the global trade union...

    #RatifyC190 “Strong will”, by Destaye Tadesse.
  17. Equity and inclusion 4 December 2019

    #RatifyC190 “Quashed dreams”, by Eringu Etonu.

    Eringu Etonu

    On 25 November – the International Day for the Elimination of Gender-based Violence - we called on governments to immediately ratify ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work. The Convention is the result of 10 years of mobilisation and activism by the global trade union...

    #RatifyC190 “Quashed dreams”, by Eringu Etonu.
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 December 2019

    “Beyond regret: what’s needed to stay together”, by Mitsunori Hoshina.

    Mitsunori Hoshina

    I have learned much from children during my career as a teacher. I would like to share a lesson on inclusive education I learned from what happened to a girl student.

    “Beyond regret: what’s needed to stay together”, by Mitsunori Hoshina.