
Worlds of Education

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Education transforms the world. Education is our world, as rich and diverse as the voices speaking out on the pages of Worlds of Education.

Worlds of Education is a platform for teachers, unionists, activists, and academics to share their insights into the issues affecting the education workforce and community around the world. The aim is to encourage a global conversation, to reflect, mobilise, and take action for education everywhere.

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  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 May 2019

    “When Open Educational Resources and platform capitalism meet”, by Nikola Wachter.

    Nikola Wachter

    Technological advances have an ever increasing impact on every aspect of the education system, from the provisioning of education to working conditions and administrative governance. Unfortunately, technology is too often dumped onto education institutions leaving behind a big ecological footprint but no educational improvement. However, there are also many examples...

    “When Open Educational Resources and platform capitalism meet”, by Nikola Wachter.
  2. Union growth 22 May 2019

    “The Italian school system is in danger”, by Francesco Sinopoli.

    Francesco Sinopoli

    The General Secretary of the Federation of Knowledge Workers of the Italian General Confederation of Labour reacted to the suspension of Rosa Maria Dell’Aria, a teacher from Palermo. The teacher was penalised in this manner because it was alleged that she did not supervise the work of her 14-16 year-old...

    “The Italian school system is in danger”, by Francesco Sinopoli.
  3. Union growth 22 May 2019

    “Attacks on democracy and teachers in Italy”, by David Edwards,

    David Edwards

    Extreme Right parties, often populist and nationalist, have become stronger than in any time since the Second World War. We have witnessed a return of racist, xenophobic and authoritarian policies and politics on all continents of the world.

    “Attacks on democracy and teachers in Italy”, by David Edwards,
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 May 2019

    “Education Support Personnel: Shining light on the invisible workforce”, by Philippa Butler.

    Philippa Butler

    Education Support Personnel (ESP) are a vital part of the education workforce. They help to do all the background tasks and hidden duties that ensure that teachers can teach and students can learn. Together with teachers and school leaders, ESP are responsible for creating and sustaining a school culture where...

    “Education Support Personnel: Shining light on the invisible workforce”, by Philippa Butler.
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 May 2019

    Education in Honduras: between privatisation and globalisation

    By D. Brent Edwards Jr.[1] , Mauro C. Moschetti[2] & Alejandro Caravaca[3] In the context of the numerous challenges facing public education systems worldwide, increasing privatisation and commodification represent one of the greatest challenges for equality in access to quality education. In a study recently conducted with the support of...

    Education in Honduras: between privatisation and globalisation
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 13 May 2019

    The university business

    By Sylvain Marois, Laval University, Quebec “[…] domination is administration.”

    The university business
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 9 May 2019

    “Trade union research and action: an exchange of views on academic mobbing”, by Jean-Marie Lafortune and Eve Seguin.

    Jean-Marie Lafortune, Eve Seguin

    In October 2018, the Quebec Federation of University Professors (FQPPU), affiliated to Education International, published a report entitled “Le mobbing en milieu académique : mieux comprendre le phénomène pour mieux l’enrayer” (“Mobbing in an academic environment: understanding the phenomenon better in order to eradicate it better”). Jean-Marie Lafortune, president of...

    “Trade union research and action: an exchange of views on academic mobbing”, by Jean-Marie Lafortune and Eve Seguin.
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 9 May 2019

    Privatisation: an international problem needs a united solution

    By Dr Mary Bousted, Joint General Secretary National Education Union, United Kingdom Teachers enter the profession as champions of a human right – the right to education. We dedicate our careers to advancing the opportunities of the next generation and facilitating the delivery of a public good.

    Privatisation: an international problem needs a united solution
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 2 May 2019

    Pearson’s vision for ‘next generation’ learning: Disrupting teaching and profiting from student data

    By Anna Hogan, University of Queensland & Sam Sellar, Manchester Metropolitan University Pearson is holding its AGM on Friday April 26 and will outline its plans to increase its share of the rapidly expanding global education market. This is an opportune time to reflect on the potential impact of Pearson’s...

    Pearson’s vision for ‘next generation’ learning: Disrupting teaching and profiting from student data
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 May 2019

    "Industrial Revolutions, Rebellions and Civil Society: Lessons from History", by Robert Trevennel Harris.

    Robert Trevennel Harris

    The events of 1968 in France, which shook the fifth Republic to its core, are sometimes mentioned in connection with the current yellow vest movement. A more relevant historical comparison is 1848 - the year of the "People’s Spring” revolutions.

    "Industrial Revolutions, Rebellions and Civil Society: Lessons from History", by Robert Trevennel Harris.
  11. Union growth 25 April 2019

    “Let’s spark a global discussion on copyright exceptions for education and research!”, by David Edwards

    David Edwards

    Today it’s World Intellectual Property Day – a good day to remind us that it’s time to reform copyright law. We need action to change copyright systems that are hindering free expression and failing to promote diverse and prosperous societies for the benefit of all.

    “Let’s spark a global discussion on copyright exceptions for education and research!”, by David Edwards
  12. Union growth 18 April 2019

    Sharing experience on the ILO-ITC course ‘Achieving education 2030 and eliminating child labour’

    Yamikani Mlangiza

    Yamikani Mlangiza, Assistant Programs Coordinator for Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM), accepted to reflect back for Worlds of Education on her experience attending a one-week training at the ILO International Training Center in Turin last year, with support from Education International.

    Sharing experience on the ILO-ITC course ‘Achieving education 2030 and eliminating child labour’
  13. Leading the profession 11 April 2019

    "Higher Education, and the purpose of education", by Jens Vraa-Jensen

    Jens Vraa-Jensen

    Seen through a neoliberal political framework, education’s main purpose is to be an instrument for economic development, increased productivity of workers and creation of new jobs. In such a context, education is not one of the key factors for social and human development. Any debate on education must always clarify...

    "Higher Education, and the purpose of education", by Jens Vraa-Jensen
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 April 2019

    "Education should not be a waiting room for life", by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    “It is often argued that the purpose of early childhood education is to prepare children for school, so that schools, in turn, can prepare children for adulthood and for the work force. This approach reduces childhood to a waiting room.” -- Steffen Handal, President, Education Union of Norway (UEN).

    "Education should not be a waiting room for life", by David Edwards.
  15. Standards and working conditions 25 March 2019

    “Finland leads the way”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    Sometimes it appears that hope is draining from the world and that, for both young and old, pessimism is becoming the default position. The trouble with pessimism is that it is negative. It annuls the ability to act; to create something better which benefits future generations. I believe that education...

    “Finland leads the way”, by David Edwards.
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 March 2019

    “Education is our best defense against scapegoat narratives – but needs consistent investment”, by Clare O’ Hagan.

    Clare O’Hagan

    Education, as shown in the 2019 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, ‘Building Bridges not Walls’, has a great ability to fight discrimination with inclusive rhetoric. It can help newcomers adapt to new environments, and it can prepare host communities to accept and celebrate their presence.

    “Education is our best defense against scapegoat narratives – but needs consistent investment”, by Clare O’ Hagan.