
Worlds of Education

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Worlds of Education is a platform for teachers, unionists, activists, and academics to share their insights into the issues affecting the education workforce and community around the world. The aim is to encourage a global conversation, to reflect, mobilise, and take action for education everywhere.

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  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 May 2018

    Quality Education for the most Marginalised: The roles of Education Support Personnel, by Mere Berryman

    Mere Berryman

    Many children and young people from across the world experience significant barriers to accessing the benefits that society offers through health, education and social services. This can impact negatively on their ability to function at school and in turn the wider community. For multiple reasons, these children and young people...

    Quality Education for the most Marginalised: The roles of Education Support Personnel, by Mere Berryman
  2. Equity and inclusion 16 May 2018

    Discovering more about Education Support Personnel, by Philippa Butler

    Philippa Butler

    Education Support Personnel (ESP) play a vital role in promoting quality education, fostering a safe and positive learning environment for all students, and ensuring that schools and education institutions function effectively. ESP cover a wide range of people working in the education sector, such as teaching and learning assistants, school...

    Discovering more about Education Support Personnel, by Philippa Butler
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 May 2018

    With every interaction in a school, we are either building community or destroying it, by Sean Slade

    Sean Slade

    "In addition to violence, bullying, and harassment in schools, many school personnel are combating low morale and increased stress levels. We are in an era of increased accountability and, as a consequence, increased repercussions. There are high-stakes tests tied to teacher and administrator evaluation, and many of us hear how...

    With every interaction in a school, we are either building community or destroying it, by Sean Slade
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 May 2018

    Questioning Bridge International Academies expansion into South Asia

    by Momina Afridi, University of Toronto Increasing donor dependency and a desired “quick-fix” to the schooling dilemma of millions have pushed some low-income country governments in Africa and South Asia to collaborate with international private school chains. Bridge International Academies (BIA) is a for-profit that aims  “to be the global...

    Questioning Bridge International Academies expansion into South Asia
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 8 May 2018

    #ResNet: "Wheeling and Dealing in Education and Global Trade Agreements", by Susan L. Robertson

    Susan Robertson

    As the minutes ticked down toward the final boarding call for my late evening train from London to Brussels, I was furiously typing up notes from a research report I had just read on the Trade in Services Agreement, otherwise known as TISA. The young man sitting next to me...

    #ResNet: "Wheeling and Dealing in Education and Global Trade Agreements", by Susan L. Robertson
  6. Leading the profession 7 May 2018

    #ResNet: Amplifying teacher voice: getting stuck into research, by Philippa Cordingley

    Philippa Cordingley

    One of the things we are exploring in our research into how different countries construct teachers’ professional identities that will be presented at Education International’s annual Research Network meeting today, is the nature of the links between investing in research-informed teaching and amplifying teachers’ collective professional voice.

    #ResNet: Amplifying teacher voice: getting stuck into research, by Philippa Cordingley
  7. Equity and inclusion 4 May 2018

    Reflections on the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women, by Ann Mari Milo Lorentzen & Gro Hartveit

    Ann Mari Milo Lorentzen, Gro Hartveit

    This year, Union of Education (Norway) had two political leaders as a part of Education International’s delegation to CSW62 in New York. We, Ann Mari Milo Lorentzen and Gro Hartveit, members of Union of Education (UEN)’s Executive Board, participated for the first time. We arrived on the 10th of March...

    Reflections on the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women, by Ann Mari Milo Lorentzen & Gro Hartveit
  8. Democracy 2 May 2018

    #EI25: "Making a difference in a different world", by Davanand Sinanan (TTUTA, Trinidad and Tobago)

    Davanand Sinanan

    Few would argue that the world has changed in a significant manner over the last decade through a combination of geopolitics and communication technology. The rapid rate of change seems to have caught most people off-guard and as a result is struggling to keep pace. Very few analysists have been...

    #EI25: "Making a difference in a different world", by Davanand Sinanan (TTUTA, Trinidad and Tobago)
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 30 April 2018

    Preventing a Facebook Data Breach in Public Education

    By Patricia Burch, University of Southern California “It was my mistake and I am sorry.” Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified on April 10th before a joint session of the Senate commerce and judiciary committee. He and his company have been accused of looking the other way as companies and governments...

    Preventing a Facebook Data Breach in Public Education
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 April 2018

    Ready for Real Change? Copyright, Education and the Quest for Equality , by Carys Craig

    Carys J. Craig

    April 26th is World Intellectual Property Day, the 2018 theme for which is ‘Powering Change: Women in Innovation and Creativity.’ While, truth be told, the day itself typically strikes me as an awkward effort by the World Intellectual Property Organization [WIPO] to celebrate the protection of intellectual property [IP] for...

    Ready for Real Change? Copyright, Education and the Quest for Equality , by Carys Craig
  11. Leading the profession 24 April 2018

    Not waiting for superman, by David Frost

    David Frost

    Last week I was fortunate in being able to participate in a conference on the island of Krk on the Croatian coast. The best part was linking up with colleagues from NGOs in places such as Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Macedonia and Palestine – all quite challenging contexts. It...

    Not waiting for superman, by David Frost
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 23 April 2018

    Recovering the political in the idea of education as a public good - and why this matters

    By Susan Robertson, University of Cambridge On more than one occasion I have felt a distinct sense of unease at how much of educational activity is now framed in economic terms. Learners are ‘human capital’  - or to use a phrase that the economist, Gary Becker, coined – ‘an abilities...

    Recovering the political in the idea of education as a public good - and why this matters
  13. Standards and working conditions 23 April 2018

    Towards Inclusive Quality School Leadership, By Dennis Sinyolo

    Dennis Sinyolo

    School leaders play a pivotal role in the provision of quality education and in ensuring equity and equal educational opportunities for all children, pupils and students. School leaders can help to create and maintain a positive school climate and a culture of peace, tolerance, equity, inclusiveness, cooperation and hard work...

    Towards Inclusive Quality School Leadership, By Dennis Sinyolo
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 April 2018

    Protecting and growing the profession: The Professional Standards Conundrum, by Jelmer Evers

    Jelmer Evers

    Not too long ago I had a formal lesson observation as part of my yearly performance review. It’s meant as a basis for professional growth and as such it succeeded. I enjoyed the reflection. In my view it should be a regular part of a teacher’s job, not just a...

    Protecting and growing the profession: The Professional Standards Conundrum, by Jelmer Evers
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 April 2018

    The EU Copyright reform: Education ministries should play a stronger role in the copyright reform process to secure public interest, by Damjan Harisch

    Damjan Harisch

    The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia (Ministry) has taken keen interest in the EU Copyright reform, which was initiated by the EU Commission through a Proposal for a Directive on Copyrights in the digital single market in September 2016, following several years of public...

    The EU Copyright reform: Education ministries should play a stronger role in the copyright reform process to secure public interest, by Damjan Harisch
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 April 2018

    Canada’s copyright regime -- who’s afraid of fair dealing? by David Robinson

    David Robinson

    If you’re looking for a cure for insomnia, then perusing Canada’s Copyright Act[1] might just be what the doctor ordered. The Act weighs in at a hefty 176 pages of dense legal text that is sure to induce somnolent yearnings in even the most caffeinated reader. On the other hand,...

    Canada’s copyright regime -- who’s afraid of fair dealing? by David Robinson
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 April 2018

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #22: “Learning Matters and the World Development Report 2018”, by Keith Lewin

    Keith Lewin

    “Learning to Realise Education’s Promise” is the first time the World Bank has devoted an entire 240 page World Development Report (WDR) to education and learning. It is surprising that it has taken so long given that the main purpose of the Bank is to finance development, and low income...

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #22: “Learning Matters and the World Development Report 2018”, by Keith Lewin