
Worlds of Education

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Worlds of Education is a platform for teachers, unionists, activists, and academics to share their insights into the issues affecting the education workforce and community around the world. The aim is to encourage a global conversation, to reflect, mobilise, and take action for education everywhere.

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  1. Leading the profession 14 November 2017

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #3: Say No to for profit experiments in education: support Public education

    Juliet Wajega

    The World Development Report (WDR) 2018 - Learning to realize Education’s Promise - places learning at the center to equip children and youth for the future. The report recognizes the key role teachers play in achievement of quality education.

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #3: Say No to for profit experiments in education: support Public education
  2. Union growth 9 November 2017

    The future of education unionism

    John McCollow

    Teacher (or education) unions are organizations formed to protect and advance the collective interests of teachers and other education workers. What those collective interests entail and how they should be pursued have been and remain active matters for debate.

    The future of education unionism
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 7 November 2017

    Teacher resistance to the Global Education Industry: potential, manifest and successful

    By Bob Lingard, The University of Queensland, Australia Teacher Unions have provided important resistance and organised opposition to the Global Education Industry in nations and globally. This piece reflects on three examples of potential, manifest and successful teacher opposition to the privatisation and commercialisation of public schooling.

    Teacher resistance to the Global Education Industry: potential, manifest and successful
  4. Leading the profession 7 November 2017

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #2: Teacher working conditions are student learning conditions: Lost opportunities in World Bank education report

    Leo Baunach

    The dedicated reader of the 2018 World Development Report (WDR) on learning and education will find moments of nuanced discussion. Unfortunately, these gems are brief caveats to flawed headlines and conclusions. The World Bank report valorizes professional teaching while degrading the voices and needs of teachers.

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #2: Teacher working conditions are student learning conditions: Lost opportunities in World Bank education report
  5. Standards and working conditions 5 November 2017

    Five ways to empower teachers and drive learning progress

    Fred van Leeuwen

    On World Teachers’ Day, let’s have a look at what teachers need to be more effective in the classroom

    Five ways to empower teachers and drive learning progress
  6. Union renewal and development 1 November 2017

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #1: A Guide to Reading the Rhetoric

    Francine Menashy

    The 2018 World Development Report marks an important milestone—for the first time in 40 years the World Bank’s dominant research publication is dedicated to education.

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #1: A Guide to Reading the Rhetoric
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 24 October 2017

    Educational privatisation: A latent phenomenon in Uruguay 

    By Eloísa Bordoli*, Pablo Martinis*, Mauro Moschetti**, Stefanía Conde* y Marcelo Alfonzo*  *Universidad de la República (UdelaR)**Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

    Educational privatisation: A latent phenomenon in Uruguay 
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 17 October 2017

    Why we can’t see the PPP picture clearly

    By Lynsey Robinson, EQUIPPPS & Jasmine Gideon, Birkbeck, University of London The landscape of partnerships in international development has been changing rapidly over the past decade, with significant realignment of roles between the state, private and third sectors[i] .This has led to Public Private Partnerships[ii] being promoted as the solution...

    Why we can’t see the PPP picture clearly
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 11 October 2017

    The debate about private education in Nepal: Struggles for access, quality and equity

    By Tejendra Pherali, University College London & Pramod Bhatta, Tribhuvan University In recent decades, private network schools and ‘low-fee’ private schools have grown significantly in low-income contexts in Africa and South Asia. The former represents increasing commodification of education and the education sector as a domain of business/commercial investment and;...

    The debate about private education in Nepal: Struggles for access, quality and equity
  10. Union growth 11 October 2017

    Think Global, Act Local: Perspectives from EI Young Advocates' workshop

    Gabriel A. Tanglao

    I am a young teacher from New Jersey with over seven years in the classroom. This summer, I traveled to seven different cities to participate in ten different conferences. We had powerful conversations around racial justice in education, progressive movement-building, leadership development, and more. The most impactful experience was the...

    Think Global, Act Local: Perspectives from EI Young Advocates' workshop
  11. Standards and working conditions 5 October 2017

    Celebrating World Teachers Day in Japan

    Yuuichiro Izumi

    Japan Teachers Union celebrated 70th anniversary this year. We have worked to improve the working conditions of educators as well as rights to education for children.

    Celebrating World Teachers Day in Japan
  12. Standards and working conditions 5 October 2017

    The educational bottom lines

    Steffen Handal

    "The Oslo School system is run like a big company where the students' achievements represent the bottom line. The goal is improvement year by year."

    The educational bottom lines
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 3 October 2017

    The commercialisation of public schooling in Australia

    By Anna Hogan, the University of Queensland  The privatisation of public education is attracting a lot of attention around the world but what is happening within public schooling is falling under the radar. Increases in commercialisation in public schooling is attracting less scrutiny. Commercialisation is the creation, marketing and sale...

    The commercialisation of public schooling in Australia