
Worlds of Education

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Worlds of Education is a platform for teachers, unionists, activists, and academics to share their insights into the issues affecting the education workforce and community around the world. The aim is to encourage a global conversation, to reflect, mobilise, and take action for education everywhere.

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  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 4 December 2016

    Bridge schools long overdue for a reality check

    By Fred van Leeuwen, General Secretary, Education International  When the world marks International Human Rights Day on December 10 it will do so in what are trying times around the globe. Amid an ever-increasing conflict between the rights of people and the rights of corporations, we are witnessing a fraying...

    Bridge schools long overdue for a reality check
  2. Fighting the commercialisation of education 25 November 2016

    The privatisation of education can be reversed. Evidence from recent education reforms in Bolivia

    by Clara Fontdevila and Antoni Verger, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Education privatization processes are frequently deemed as irreversible. The transformative power of pro-private and market-oriented reforms is well known. These types of reforms tend to dramatically reconfigure and redefine the governance of education systems, and they usually do so beyond...

    The privatisation of education can be reversed. Evidence from recent education reforms in Bolivia
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 17 November 2016

    Quality Education – a public good at the heart of democracy

    By Susan Hopgood, Education International (EI) President and Fred van Leeuwen, EI's General Secretary When we look back on our education, we remember teachers who changed our lives, who opened new worlds to us, who challenged us to think and to debate and to discover. We recall the excitement of...

    Quality Education – a public good at the heart of democracy
  4. Worlds of Education 10 November 2016

    Why Teachers Need Tax

    David Archer

    The Sustainable Development Goal on education establishes ambitious targets and to finance the achievement of these, we need a radical shift, a rebuilding of confidence in the capacity of the governments to fully finance public education that is of good quality – and that can only come from a substantial...

    Why Teachers Need Tax
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 7 November 2016

    Acts of Im(p)unity: A Tale About Education, Commercialisation and Current Trade Deals

    By Susan L. Robertson, University of Cambridge Imagine you were located in a community, and used the human and natural resources of that community to run your business. Somehow you had managed to convince the local political elites that you be accorded special status; one which meant you and your...

    Acts of Im(p)unity: A Tale About Education, Commercialisation and Current Trade Deals
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 2 November 2016

    Despite promises, Pearson's prospects for growth remain slim at best

    By Dr Anna Hogan, University of Queensland, Australia A dramatic stock decline and profit far below expected levels are a blow to the education corporate giant's development plan, and a symptom that it has become a toxic brand in the eyes of many.

    Despite promises, Pearson's prospects for growth remain slim at best
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 25 October 2016

    We must put an end to schooling students for profit

    By Fred van Leeuwen. General Secretary, Education International For World Teachers’ Day this year the education community is marking the 50th anniversary of the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation on the teaching profession. This landmark document identifies “the essential role of teachers in educational advancement and the importance of their contribution to the...

    We must put an end to schooling students for profit
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 12 October 2016

    Philantrocapitalism: the new tyranny of giving

    By Antonio OImedo, University of Roehampton & Stephen Ball, UCL In 2008, in their Ode to philanthrocapitalism, Bishop and Green claimed that philanthrocapitalists are “hyperagents who have the capacity to do some essential things far better than anyone else”. Apparently, the fact that they “do not face elections every few...

    Philantrocapitalism: the new tyranny of giving